Monday, February 15, 2010

Greek Sorority Underwear Is It True That Jacqui Smith And Nancy Pelosi Were Members Of The Same Greek Sorority?

Is it true that Jacqui Smith and Nancy Pelosi were members of the same greek sorority? - greek sorority underwear

I read that the two strongest women belong in politics, the same fraternity, Delta Gamma Pi Obviously not at the same university, but the Brotherhood itself. I've always been against it, but this should be good to influence world politics.


sheeple said...

Should not, but man give me a few at home, women's work suddenly. Jacqui is so ugly that her husband asked to pornography for the operation and her husband, Ruben, Nancy, joint trip to Bangkok for your needs ... male or female does not know

Christin... said...

How pathetic. Two influential, successful women who are affected, because it is the perfect image of society from a woman "hot".

Why is the question of what is in a discussion about the fact that both in the same guild?

And yes, many if not most, politicians and entrepreneurs are Greek.

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